RRPK – Rastriya Rojgar Prawardhan Kendra

Project Info

COREL Project




Start Date


End Date


Project Value



Livelihood revival support
Skill base training
Mudha Training to Dome community

Key Highlights

A pertinent intervention given the severity of illiteracy in the Sarlahi district. A pertinent intervention given the severity of illiteracy in the Sarlahi district where poverty is rated at 17.7% almost 3-quarters the national average of 23.48% 1; over 60% of girls and 41% of boys are found to be illiterate 2. The 1 in 2 dropout rates among Dalit and Muslim communities are due to dire economic constraints and caste dynamics.

COVID-19 Recovery and Livelihood (COREL) Project (Hereafter referred to as COREL project) is a 12-month project (April 2022-March 2023) of the Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI) Nepal managed through the fund raised in Canada. The ultimate outcome of COREL project is to “Enhanced resilience capacity of the most impacted section of the society by COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal”. RRPK Implementing the project in Godaita Municipality and Kaudena Rural Municipality of Sarlahi District.


From The COREL project provided short term vocational training to the marginalized and CoVID19 affected peoples. The details are below.

Name of Training Palika Total Male Female
Godaita Kaudena
Tailoring level 1 17 17 0 17
Tailoring level 2 10 10 0 10
Tyles/Marbel mistri  Level 1 11 11 11 0
Beautician level 1 8 2 10 0 10
Motorbike repairing Level 1 5 5 5 0
Building electrician level 1 1 1 1 0
Total 34 20 54 17 37

Major Achievement till November 2022

Activities Target Kaudena RMP Godaita RMP Total Remarks
Conduct assessment to identify innate and viable skill to initiate livelihood opportunities 1 1
Assessment finding sharing workshop and planning 1 2
Identification of vocational training institutes 1 1
Coaching and mentoring support 80 86 71 157
Skill Based training 50 20 34 54
Prepare action plan for the revival 2 3(81) 4 (83) 7(164)
Formation/reformation of Groups/Networks 4 4 5 9 Total 3 types
Radio PSA 4
BCC materials 1000 1000
Revival support 450 119 122 241
 Review safety net practices and policies 1 1 in process

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