RRPK – Rastriya Rojgar Prawardhan Kendra

Project Info



Save The Children & EU

Start Date

April 2018

End Date

September 2018

Project Value



Godaita & Balara

Key Highlights

The project was launched targeted Balara & Godaita municipality to support farmers who had got lose due to sever flood in 2017. The implementing partner RRPK had accomplished its work. Under the project farmers with less land were identified and supported with different types of need of farmer’s like-wise paddy seed 10 kg and fertilizer 50 kg to each farmer who met the criteria. Canal of the municipality were renovated and constructed as per need and made the canal usable to irrigate the land of farmers. On the other hand farmers who involved in vegetable farming were formed group and supported agricultural tools like caret, sprayer tank, watering can, and shallow tube well and pump set to the groups.

  • Supported number of families of Godaita adn Balara Municipality with paddy seed and fertilizer.
  • Irrigation canal were constructed/renovated.
  • 564 farmers were supported with 564 sprayer, watering can and 1128 carets.
  • 20 shall tube well and pump set were supported to irrigate the land of farmer groups.
  • 843 farmers of Balara 1298 farmers were supported 10 kg paddy seed and 50 kg fertilizers.
  • Total 4 market shed 2 in Godaita municipality ward 3 & 8 and 2 in Balara municipality ward 2 & 8 were constructed.
  • 1 safe evacuation center was constructed in Godaita municipality 3, Simara Bazar.
  • 20 farmer groups were oriented on vegetable farming

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