Project Info
Sammunati (Sponsorship) Program

Key Highlights
Samunnati (Sponsorship) Program is a community based program. The program aims to support in sustainable development and positive change in the lives of children and their families through accessing quality education, health services and protection. To achieve the target of program there are running Maternal Newborn Health (MNH) program targeting 0-3 year children, Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) targeting 3-5 year children, Basic Education (BE) 6-12 year children, School Health and Nutrition (SHN) program targeting 3-12 year children, Adolescent Development (AD) program targeting 10-19 year children and Child Sensitive Livelihood (CSL) program as crosscutting.
Sponsorship operation is another part of the project which work to support the program in fund generation by enrolling the children of impact in area in our program.
In the part of operation children of 3-12 years are enrolled in the program in consensus of parents. The parents are oriented on the process, objectives and benefits of enroll and to be Sponsored.
Number of Working structures of Impact area | |||||||
Name of Municipality | No. of schools | No. of ECCD | No. of Health Facility | No. of Child Club | No. of Ward Child Right Committee (WCRC) | No. of Farmers Group | No. of Municipality level Child Club Network (MCCN) |
Godaita Municipality | 25 | 25 | 12 | 49 | 12 | 4 | 1 |
Balara Municipality | 30 | 23 | 11 | 12 | 11 | 2 | 1 |

Programmatic Achievement
Maternal Newborn and Health (MNH)
Maternal Newborn Health program has envisioned that all the mother has easy access and 100% institutional delivery of impact area for safe motherhood and reduce morbidity and mortality.
The organization has been working in 12 health facility of Godaita and 11 of Balara municipality.
- 25 Health workers of Balara and Godaita Municipality are trained on Partner defined quality
- 20 Health Workers of Balara and Godaita Municipality are trained on CBMICH.
- All the 12 health facility of Godaita Municipality and 2 Health Facilities Balara Municipality ward 4 (Laxmipur) and ward 7, (Dumariya) have been supported with essential equipment.
- Breast Feeding week celebrated in coordination of local health facility of both Balara and Godaita Municipality.
- Skill Birth Attendant (SBA) training has been provided 5 health worker of Godaita and Balara municipality.
- Supported in conduction of regular health mother group meeting of both Godaita and Balara municipality.
- 3 birthing center of Godaita municipality had supported with new born corner (baby warmer) and other essential equipment regarding the center.
- Printed ANC visit card and provided to health facilities.
The project aims to the most vulnerable children access and participate equally in education and achieve equitable learning outcomes in basic education in the target district of Sarlahi with the following objectives; a)Improved inclusive education environment in schools. b) Communities are more supportive of the education of their most vulnerable children at home and school.) Improved function and governance of inclusive education and child protection systems.
Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD)
The program is targeted to of 3-5 years of children where the children of defined age group considered mainly three things early childhood, care and development. The program supports in comprehensive development of children and stimulate parents and community. The program is based on scientific fact and knowledge and worldwide child right and protection policy. The objective of ECCD is to nurture the children for their physical and mental development and to prepare them for schooling with right attitudes and habits.
There are 48 ECCDs in total of both Godaita and Balara municipality.
- 4 ECCD building in Godaita and one in Balara municipality has been constructed with well managed hand wash station and toilets.
- 21 ECCD of Godaita municipality have been supported with essential all facility such as sitting arrangement materials, six learning corner with essential learning materials.
- ECCD teachers of both municipalities have been trained on 16 days basic training.
- ECCD teachers are supported to conduct Thematic meeting bi-monthly so that to exchange their knowledge and practice to improve their teaching skills.
- ECCD teacher of Godaita municipality have been trained on Early literacy and Math (ELM) session
- Five days’ refresher training for ECCD teachers of Godaita municipality ECCD teachers.
- Transitional ECCD centers were conducted for three months and enrolled the children in nearby schools of Godaita municipality.
- ECCD teachers are supported in conduction of parenting session in Godaita municipality.
- Female Community Health Volunteers of Godaita municipality are trained on Building Brain session.
- Parental workshop for materials development have been conducted.
- Supported to establish monitoring mechanism in palika.
Basic Education (BE)
Each and every child has natural right to get quality education, the program has envisaged to address school aged all children right. The organization priority has to support children for quality education. Coordination with different government and non-government structure, community, civil society, parents, children, education development and coordination unit is essential to make accessible education for grade 1 to 8 children. Children who can’t go school will support with ECCD education and adolescent development program is main objective of the program.
There are 55 schools in the impact area both Godaita and Balara municipality. Various work has been done for Basic School and the children of schools, teachers and School Management Committee (SMC) members.
- Two Ward Godaita Municipality 1, Bahadur and Godaita 6, Bagdah has been supported in declaration of 100% enrollment.
- Primary level School Teachers of Godaita and Balara municipality are trained on Anti Physical Punishment training.
- Different schools of Godaita and Balara municipality supported to renovate the schools’ classroom and made child friendly.
- All the schools of Godaita municipality grade 1 to 3 are supported sitting arrangement and grade library.
- 10 Disable children of Godaita municipality has been supported assistive device and made them to continue their school.
- Balara municipality school level Child Club have been supported playing materials.
- 200 children are benefited from 8 Reading and Math Camp in Godaita municipality.
- Balara and Godaita Municipality Children of Child Club are trained Wall Magazine Publication.
- Two Schools of Godaita municipality supported for Safe School Package.
- Learning achievement test has been done of grade 1 to 3 among 220 students in 10 schools of Godaita municipality and 5 schools of Balara municipality
- Supported to conduct child led promotional activities on the occasion of different national and international days.
- Supported in construction of boundary wall.
School Health and Nutrition (SHN)
School Health and Nutrition program is targeted for school and school going (aged 5 to 12 years) children. The program aims to maintain health and nutrition status of children even in schools to support in quality education.
- Bio sand filter for safe drinking water supply have been installed in 34 structures among them (4 in Balara Municipality and 6 in Godaita Municipality Health Facility and 7 Schools of Balara municipality and 17 Schools of Godaita municipality).
- 10 schools of Godaita municipality have supported and orientation on implementation of Hygiene Traffic light system to make health environment in school.
- School are supported in promotion of mid-day meal.
- SHN and First Aid Kit has supported has been supported to entire school of Godaita municipality.
- School have been supported to establish Adolescent Friendly Information Corner (AFIC).
- All the schools of both municipalities have been supported to celebrate School health nutrition week.
- School children are supported to feeding of Iron folic acid tablets.
- Teachers are oriented on School health and nutrition program.
Adolescent Sexual Reproduction Health
Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health program covers the children aged 10-19 years and conducted and supported in various ways related the age group children.
- 6 Adolescent friendly toilets with vending machine has been constructed in schools and Health facility of Godaita Municipality.
- 6 Health Facility of Godaita municipality in conduction of Adolescent Friendly Service (AFS) with all essential items.
- Health workers are trained on Adolescent Sexual Reproductive health service.
- Health Post building of Balara municipality 2, Hathiyol has been renovated.
- Adolescent girls are trained on self-made sanitary pad making.
- My First Baby (MFB) session has been conducted targeting married and unmarried adolescent.
- Supported in celebration of mensuration hygiene maintain (MHM) day.
- Malangawa Hospital of Sarlahi district has been supported to establish referral mechanism system.
- Interaction meeting with adolescent and parents are conducted on ASRH issues.
- Height and weight machine has been provided to schools.
Adolescent Skill for Successful Transition (ASST)
The thematic area covers the age group of children between 10-19 and supported them in development of various life skills so that they can be positive contributors to their society. There is also support on protection of children.
- There were supported in formation of Ward Child Right Committee (WCRC) in all ward of both Godaita and Balara municipalities as well as Municipality level Child Right Committee (MCRC).
- Total 67 Child Clubs are formed both Godaita and Balara municipality.
- Children are supported in different types for child led promotional activities.
- Ward Child Right Committee members are trained on their roles and responsibility and recording reporting system.
- Adolescent are trained on 5 days Life Skill for Successful session
- Volunteers are trained to conduct Parenting Without Violence session.
- Volunteers were trained on 3 days financial literacy session conduction.
- Both Godaita and Balara municipality have supported in Budget for Children (BFC) analysis.
- Godaita and Balara municipality bodies have been oriented on Child Friendly Local Governance (CFLG).
- There are formed 45 Child Club in Godaita and 12 Child Clubs in Balara municipality.
- Municipality level Child Club network has been formed in Godaita and Balara municplaity.
- Child Club members are supported with different playing materials.
- Child Club members are trained on Wall magazine publication.
Child Sensitive Livelihood (CSL)
Child Sensitive livelihood is cross cutting sub theme. Under the program the families from deprived and land less are supporting on farm activity to generate income to contribute their income in children education, health and nutrition.
- There are 6 farmer group in Godaita and Balara municipality where 4 in Godaita and 2 in Balara municipality.
- Madina Hariyali Farmer Group of Godaita Municipality ward 9, Bakainiya has been supported Power Tiller for cultivation.
- Jagaran Farmer Group of Godaita 2, Belwajabdi cultivable land area is fenced to protect their crops.
- All the farmer group have been supported with essential equipment including IPM kit, seed and fertilizer.
- Farmers have been supported to install tube well for irrigation facility.
- 10 Adolescent girls are trained on Tailoring for self-employment.
- All the 6 farmer group of Godaita and Balara municipality has supported mulching bed for vegetable production.
- Plastic tunnel supported to 10 farmers of Godaita Municipality.
- Marginalize and deprived family are supported for Goat Keeping.
- 4 Cooperative of Godaita municipality and 1 Cooperative of Balara municipality has been supported in establishment of Child Endowment Fund.
- Local Resource Person (LRPs) have trained to support farmers.
- Farmers have supported to learning visit.
- The farmers have trained to make organic manure and pesticide.
COVID 19, Pandemic
The organization had worked in COVID 19 pandemic in support of Save the Children in various areas.
- The organization had supported to establish help desk at first in front of district police headquarter.
- During COVID 19 pandemic Malangawa district hospital, Goaita and Balara municipality have been supported various safety materials like masks, sanitizer, thermos gun, oxygen cylinder, oxygen concentrator, hospital bed, PPE set, antigen test kits etc.
- Supported to establish quarantine in 5 different school of Godaita municipality with all essential materials like contact less hand wash station, pre fab toilets, water filters, mattress etc.
- COVID 19 affected people of impact area were supported with nutrition package.
- Schools are supported safety materials i.e. masks, face shield, sanitizer, soap, disinfectant, thermos gun and gloves to resume school education after lock down.
- Adolescent girls were supported with hygiene kit.
- Most deprived (Dom) family of Godaita municipality supported with protection kit.
- Radio class had broadcasted to continue the grade 1 to 5 class students.
- Provided psychosocial council to quarantine and COVID 19 affected person.
Netritwa Project
The project is running Balara municipality to strengthen empower the capacity and develop leadership especially in Dalit women or adolescent in support of Save the Children. There were formed group of 25 Dalit women and Adolescent who have passed at least School Leaving Certificate or Intermediate level. They were oriented and trained on various aspect of Dalit women right and their roles and responsibility. They also provided opportunity to interact with national Dalit council members, provincial Dalit council, district level and local government as well. The local governing bodies are also oriented on national policy and right of Dalit as well their roles in empowering of Dalit.
- Monthly session conducting to empower and enhance their capacity on their roles and responsibility.
- 3 Dalit women have provided opportunity to OJT work local Balara municipality different sections.
- Capacity development training and orientation have provided the group.
- Opportunity to talk and interact with National level Dalit commission representative.
The organization has participated in other extra activities to support community as well program.
- Celebrated national & international day.
- Road play on anti-child marriage and substantial abuse.
- Conduct birth registration campaign.